Saturday, November 19, 2022


 I was standing in the checkout queue at Checkers, when I overheard the conversation of the two middle aged men in front of me. I didn't hear everything but what I did hear was interesting. The one man was saying his kid came home with a form that needed to be filled in asking whether their child was gay, lesbian, transexual or LGBTQ. Well this is the first time I've heard of this. By the tone of the man's voice, he didn't sound to happy about it. I must admit it is not a subject matter that is discussed openly in most families. Let me try and help you all. Firstly will a teenager easily tell his parents they are gay? I think it is one of the hardest things to do especially if the parents are old school. I can honestly say I never told my parents although my late mother did suspect something. All she said was "I still love you, no matter what". That was a surprise to me. My late father never asked but didn't say anything either. So to me the case was closed. But is it as easy as that? Some parents will disown their children and will kick them out of the house. Why would a parent do that? I've never been a parent but I would never do that to someone who is different to me? Imagine gay parents doing that and disowning their straight children. Doesn't make sense does it?