Thursday, February 9, 2012


I just sat through 3 hours and 10 minutes of Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King and luckily it was on Blu-ray, so that I could pause it and make some sandwiches for lunch, and go to the loo. I can imagine watching this in the movie house and halfway through you have the sudden urgent need to go to the toilet. You stumble over the stairs and seats in the dark as you make your way out of the theatre and other patrons tell you to "get down" so they can see all the action on the big screen. And by the time you get back to your seat you've missed about 15 minutes, disturbed patrons again, and you keep waiting for evil king to appear, but only realise afterwards that he "died" whilst you were busy in the Gents. What a bummer! You paid a princely sum of R10 for the movie ticket and you missed the whole point of the movie because it was too long and you had to answer nature's call. I remember the days when these epics used to have an intermission. It gave the patrons the opportunity to "stretch" their legs or go to the loo. So why don't they do it with modern movies of today? That's why a lot of people these days hire the movie or if they really like it on DVD. I personally try and avoid watching movies in the cinema just for that reason.