Wednesday, June 27, 2012

BORN THIS WAY? (The Final Chapter)

This is an open statement to all those people out there who have suddenly decided to "play" God by judging others just because they don't conform to their morals. The other day a lady and I were mentioning a friend in our conversation, and who should walk into the room but the friend. "Speak of the devil!" I said to the lady I was speaking with. Now does this mean the friend is evil? I'm sure a lot of you have heard the expression: "Better the devil you know, than you don't" or something along those lines. My point is that the word "devil" according to the dictionary has 10 different definitions. There is the so-called ruler of hell, which no one has said does or does not exist. No living person has been there yet unless you watch TV series like "Supernatural" with images of fire and brimstone. One of the other definitions says "An energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever person" which by the way is what Lady Gaga is. She is a performer and an excellent one at that. It's called art. People want to see a show that has dramatic stage entrances, outrageous costumes and not some conservative looking lady standing in front of a microphone, some forgettable song. Cliff Richard, a practicing Christian, always sings "Devil Woman" at his preformances whilst gyrating his hips and dancing with his scantily clad female dancers gyrating behind him. Does that make him the devil's child? Or is he a satanist in disguise? I think not. I would like to put this whole matter to rest and make a few final satements. We were not all made the same, as everyone has different opinions, different ideals. If we were all the same and liked the same things, this world would be a very boring place to live in. As for saying that South Africa belongs to Jesus, what load of hogwash? Jesus came from Jeruselam. Nowhere in the bible does it state that he travelled to South Africa. He would have been attacked by tribes on the way. As for trying to stop Lady Gaga from coming to South Africa with Jesus, may I remind you by your rantings that Jesus loves everybody and he does not discriminate! And with that said I hope we can all carry on with our normal lives, I think I'll play my Lady Gaga CD.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Grace Jones Preforming at the Queen's recent Diamond Jubilee concert.
Whew!!! What a week it's been on the social networks, what with fans queueing online to buy tickets to Lady Gaga's upcoming tour to South Africa and causing the site to "crash". Then on the other hand the "happy clappys", as my late father would call these "bible punchers", trying to gather support to ban her tour from our shores. Their reasoning? She's a she-devil! Well some people's mother-in-laws are also called that too. But aren't they forgetting that Lady Gaga has had record sales (excuse the pun) of her CD's and DVD's already? Surely the FPB (Film Publications Board) would have had her music banned a long time ago if she was as evil as these religious "loonies" say she is. Their quest is so newsworthy it hasn't featured on any of the local news channels or appeared in any local newspaper. Back in the 80's we used to listen to another outrageous singer/artiste/performer, the legendary Grace Jones, whose costumes and stage antics were just as bizarre as Lady Gaga's are. Even some of her lyrics were considered erotic at the time. Now at 64 she recently preformed for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a dress that looked like she had borrowed it from Lady Gaga's wardrobe. So why wasn't she banned from South Africa? Her music and Dvd's are freely available. I would go as far as to say that Lady Gaga is the next best thing to Grace Jones, cause soon  Ms Grace might decide to retire and then someone would have to take over her fan base. I don't know if some of these people who are trying to protest against Lady Gaga realize that in the 60's, Elvis Presley was also "banned" by Christians and bible punchers for gyrating his hips and singing "devil" music with lyrics like "I'm all shook up" and "And don't you......step on my blue suede shoes". They publicly smashed his records and announced that "rock and roll" was music of the devil! I could go on............but let me leave that for another chapter in my blog. As Lady Gaga would probably say "Have a fun filled fabulous day!" 

Monday, June 18, 2012


I am angry, well that's putting it mildly, I'm more than angry. How dare someone tell me what sort of music to listen to, which artists to support? Just because international singing star, Lady Gaga, announced that she was going to perform in South Africa, a few nutcases have decided to try and stop her coming here "in the name of Jesus". Isn't that being a bit blasphemous? How on earth are they going to stop her? This is a serious case of bullying in my eyes, and I will make sure this gets posted on my Ant-Bullying page on Facebook. I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me when I say that fans will not be bullied into not liking Lady Gaga and then telling them she is the devil! That's hate speech, isn't it? Lady Gaga is a humanitarian as far as I know.  A staunch supporter of the LBGT movement worldwide, she and her mother started "The Born This Way Foundation" which focuses on youth empowerment and other issues like ant-bullying and mentoring. She also contibutes in the fight against HIV and Aids, by educating young women about the risks of the disease. The sales of Gaga-endorsed Viva Glam lipstick and lipgloss have raised more than $202 million to fight HIV and AIDS. And that being said, surely Lady Gaga is a christian herself; why call her the devil? I think the majority of South Africans will buy their ticket and dance the night away. Maybe because she supports gays and lesbians, these protesters want to stop her fom coming here. Well I have news for them, there are thousands of gays who will be buying tickets, I mean 52 million likes for her Facebook page says something!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This was a really "Bad Romance". 
 Yes, you heard correctly: "They're Back!" Who is back I hear you say? Randall, Unathi and Gareth. The three SA Idols judges are back on our small screens or if you have a widescreen TV -our big screens. This is probably the best part of the competition, because thousands of hopefuls stand in front of these judges and end up making us the viewers, laugh or cry. Depending on how good or bad they are. The really good ones get a golden ticket to Sun City, whilst the really bad ones can compete for the "Wooden Microphone"who are are voted for by the viewer. Like this girl who tried to sing "Bad Romance" and she was not the only one who thought she could sing either. Actually this girl stands the chance winning the Wooden Mic hands down. I feel really sorry for some of the contestants, like the one youngster, Thabiso, who actually had a promising voice. But I think it was his cocky attitude that made the judges all vote a resounding "No!", and made the youngster burst into tears and blame poor Randall for "ruining my life forever". Come on kiddo, don't be such a baby. Think of it this are now famous and will be the talk of Durban in years to come.You won't win the Wooden Mic that's for sure as you were better than the Lady Gaga wannabe. Try again next year! You could be a future SA Idol! LOL

Friday, June 8, 2012


They say "time flies, when you are having fun", but that is always not the case. Some of us just look forward to the next "payday" because we're broke already and we try to keep ourselves busy just so the weeks go by more quickly. I remember at work there were people whom I called "clock watchers", who just couldn't wait for the boss to give the "okay you can all go home now" nod to staff members. One lady, I'll call her Millie, was always the first to leave the workspace, barge her way into the ladies locker room get her handbag and then virtually run out of the building to her waiting lift which was usually the daughter or husband. Thank goodness I don't have to contend with all that nonsense anymore, being retired was the best stress free decision I ever made. The only downside to it is we pensioners need an increase, and cannot survive on the amount we get every month.  So unless we pensioners end up protesting outside Post Offices, I'm a post office pensioner, I suppose we will never get a pension that we can survive on. I can just imagine pensioners with walking aids, and wheel chairs "toy-toying" waving placards and the riot police cordoning off the building in case some old geezer accidentally sets fire to the place. But I'm straying away from the subject a bit, now that the weekend is upon us. I'm trying to keep myself occupied by going to the gym three times a week, so today being Friday it's my last session this morning. A lady once confided in her best friend that she "was doing gym, three times a week". Her husband somehow got to to hear about it and immediately filed for divorce. Shame! I once had a classmate called Jim. I doubt it was him because he's gay! LOL! Well my weekend will probably be busy too, what with a DA Info table at Windermere Centre tomorrow morning and then watching the rugby match where South Africa take on England on the TV in the afternoon, "Time flies when you're having fun!". 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Run For Your Life!

The Wall of Honour at Botha's Hill.
Today the 3rd June, thousands of men & women donned their running shoes and gathered in Pietermaritzburg for the start of South Africa's world famous ultra road race, The Comrades Marathon! For a gruelling 89kilometer or a 56mile down to Durban, runners of all shapes and sizes battle it out for Gold. This event attracts a lot of spectators too, as they line the roadside cheering the athletes on. Bruce Fordyce, who has won the event 8 years in a row from 1981 to 1990, is said to be running again this year. His record time of 5:24:07 for the "up" run in 1986 stood for 21 years. But this not just about Bruce, it's about people of all races, religions and cultural backgrounds coming together and partaking in the most famous ultra marathons in the world. Runners from all over the worl come and partake. Russia, Holland, America, these are just a few counties represented today. I wish all the runners the best of luck, the race is not over yet!