Monday, September 20, 2021


 I'm not entirely sure how to approach this subject matter, but one thing I know for sure is that I feel I am on the right track. Here is what I already know: "Someone who is fluid -- also called gender fluid -- is a person whose gender identity (the gender they identify with most) is not fixed. It can change over time or from day-to-day. Fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression, rather than a sexual orientation."

 At the moment I am trying to get my hair to grow out healthily. That could take a while considering my hair is thinning on top. But help is at hand, I have started using ViGro shampoo for thinning hair. My hairdresser says it is very good shampoo, so let's see how this goes. Since starting to use it, 3 weeks down the line I can see results especially on top above my scalp. They say it should take 12 weeks to really see the results. My hair does look thicker than 2 years ago, so I definitely am doing something right! Hair should be washed every 2 to 3 days with the shampoo. Let's see the results at the end of the month.

I need to start being more feminine as I tend to still wonder what people are going to say with a transition of any sorts! Then again I shouldn't be worrying at all, as I have come this far and there is no going back! Looking for hoop earrings that are a bit heavier than what I found at MrP the other day. I need feminine or unisex tops that I can wear so I still have a lot to do.

I will update my progress as often as I can, hoping you will all understand.