Wednesday, August 11, 2021


The past two years (2020/2021) have not been easy for millions of people, with this pandemic at large. Whether you beleve it or not, there is something out there causing the deaths of billions. Whether it's everyday influenza or some deady virus (manufactured in a lab somewhere), we should still take precautions as to our health. Here we are, wearing cloth masks and social distancing to slow down the spread of the pandemic. It should be said that wearing a cloth mask does not prevent one from becoming infected, neither does the vaccine. Recently it has been shown that people who recieved their shot still got infected. The best way to stay free from the virus is to avoid crowds and large gatherings, or to stay at home. One can now shop for groceries and meals online, that way you never have to step outside your front door as they get dellivered to you. As far as getting the vaccine it is your choice, like I said earlier the vaccine will not stop you from getting Covid19. With all the different brands of the Covid19 vaccine available, whih is the one that will work? Besides someone like myself who has health issues and is taking chronic medication for high blood pressure, gout, stage 2 diabetes and heart (stent in the artery), will I be putting my health at risk? I have decided not to take it after looking at the facts. When I had the stent put in my artery I was in hospital and had to be tested for Covid. The result came back negative. After my scare with the high pulse rate of my heart, I beleve I've been given a new lease on life. I need to get my personal sexual identity in order. I know who I am but I need to express my self more freely. I'm definitely leaning towards being Genferfluid. For those who don't understand, what does genderfluid mean? "Someone who is fluid -- also called gender fluid -- is a person whose gender identity (the gender they identify with most) is not fixed. It can change over time or from day-to-day. Fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression, rather than a sexual orientation." Would that desdribe me? Just for the record I am gay, so that is one question answered. I suppose the next step would be "What pronouns would I use?

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