Monday, December 24, 2012
Well the world didn't end before Christmas as the Mayans supposedly had predicted, and we are left to enjoy what's left of 2012. This is a very brief Xmas message from me to you.........let's hope that you fulfil yourr dreams. With 2013 just around the corner it's time to reflect on the past and look to the future. Here's wishing all my readers a very Merry and Blessed Xmas and a prosperous 2013!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
BORN THIS WAY -The Sequel.
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Grace Jones |
It was reported in the news recently that the South African Council of Churches (SACOC) said something like this: " If the South African government can stop the Dali Lama from coming to South Africa, we can get them (the SA government) to ban Lady Gaga from here too!" Say whaaaat????? Firstly how can they compare the two people? The reason why the Dali Lama was not allowed into the country was because the Zuma regime did not want to tarnish relations with China. If you read the history books, China invaded Tibet which caused the Dali Lama to seek exile in a neighbouring country. So what has this got to do with Lady Gaga? Apparently there's a Top Eleven list of musicians who according to reports are all connected to Satan. They say if you play their songs backwards, you get satanninc messages. What a load of hogwash! Maybe I should start playing Christian music backwards, I really dread to think what could be revealed here. One lady who was trying to stop the Lady Gaga tour because she said the woman is satan, is a die hard Carlos Santanna fan. Yes, you heard right! She listens to the devil rythmns of "Evil Ways" and "Black Magic Woman". Does this make sense to you. When I was a twenty something youth I had all the Black Sabbath and Uriah Heep albums, and thirty years down the line I'm no satanist. I was and still am a Grace Jones fan. And I consider Ms Jones to be the original Lady Gaga. In fact I would say that Lady Gaga is the next Grace Jones! What about Madonna? Isn't she a satanist too? I have her Dvds and have watched them many times, and I'm still no satanist. So what is the point of all this? These religious freaks should get a life, there are a lot of local celebs out there who are doing things which are influencing our children. And in closing compare the two photos on this post. Do you see much difference? I didn't think so..........
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Lady Gaga |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Being a South African, American politics have always fascinated me. I think the whole world has been watching the 2012 US Elections with keen interest, hoping that US voters would not make the wrong choice. Well we can all heave a sigh of relief as President Obama was reelected for a second term. And as the pro-Romney supporters either cringe at the thought of another four years under President Obama or plan a mass evacuation to the United States of Romney on some off-shore island that the billionaire politician has acquired, back here at home in South Africa it's business as usual as builders continue work on Zumaville. All eyes are on Parliament after opposition parties displayed a vote of "no confidence" in Mr Zuma, and Helen Zille had given him 78 hours to respond to the R200m spent on his luxury villa in Nkandla. I think even people in the street who were staunch supporters of him and his political party have lost confidence in them. It has just come to my notice from Helen Zille, who tells me that they are now going to start court proceedings. For those of you who were following the DA "march" to Nkandla, you will recall that a charge against Mr Zuma was laid with the police, giving him about 3 days to respond. Failure to do so, he would be taken to court. The public will be keeping their eye on that piece of news. And whilst the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, just because some politicians don't get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, so life goes on for those who believe the ANC is trustworthy and those are disinterested in politics. But yet they are the first ones to write to the newspaper, when the price of groceries go up or when someone gets mugged. I am no politician, but when I read about schoolchildren without textbooks or those who have to wade through a river to get to school because there's no bridge, all because the president spends R200m on his house so he can feel safe. The mind boggles. Let's not forget the people living in shacks, with no proper housing or money for food. Do they feel safe and warm in their homes with the roof that leaks when it rains? And to Americans who voted for Romney: Another 4 years with Obama is heaven compared to this. Try living in my neighbourhood where 6 vehicles got hijacked/stolen in one evening! Suspected corrupt politicians in goverment. A bunch of lunatic church groups trying to ban Lady Gaga from South Africa, and you think you have problems? I would vote for President Obama any day!
Monday, November 5, 2012
DEAR MR ZUMA........
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Cartoon "borrowed" from the internet. |
Monday, October 15, 2012
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Me & my siblings posing with a very scary looking Santa. I'm the one on the right. |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
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Evo & Drumkit |
Friday, October 12, 2012
Being a cancer survivor myself, I support this worthy cause. Started by The Sunflower Fund , this annual event is meant to give Lukhemia sufferers hope and support. A lot of people out there are diagnosed with the disease and initially need a bone-marrow transplant to survive, and just by supporting National Bandana Day and purchasing yours and wearing it today, you give them hope. Let's take a moment to remember those who were not so lucky to get a life saving transplant, but you can change all that just by purchasing a bandana for R20. Let's hope that South Africans who read this will support The Sunflower Fund.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
After some consideration I decided to blog about the the first six contestants on the SA's Got Talent "live" show last night. By time you retire to bed tonight, South African viewers will know which two acts made it into the Grand Finale on the 18th October. That is next week Thursday, and I'm a bit confused as to how many shows we will see until then. I'm assuming that this Thursday will see another six acts perform for your votes and then next week Tuesday will be the last six, with the results being announced the following evening in each case. But why the big rush to get to the final? Why only 30 minutes to vote? Surely not a lot of people will vote or have the producers not enough of a budget to hold a longer season? I'm really confused as to their thinking. I would have thought they would have had quarter finals as well. So far I've only seen the majority of acts once which to my mind is not enough to vote on them. Some of the acts shouldn't have gone through to the Top 18 at all. Xavier & Finn is one such act. How much more of an act can be done with a very talented dog? I think she's shown all she can. And what about Njobula? Okay he can rap fast, but so what? I wonder how he is going to impress us when it's his turn to get the public to vote for him. We shall have to wait and see! So after last night, which two acts do you think deserve to be in the Grand Finale? My votes go to young Tiego from Atteridgeville, and Donlynn and her dance partner Cameron. Those two acts really impressed me and I think this year it is the "year of dance". The PJ Twins are a close third, but personally even though they are great singers, it's all been done before. Pleae note this is just my opinion, and I may be completely wrong about the two brothers. They may surprise us. As for the other three acts, nothing really to write home about, and I can see why Ian buzzed two of them. We will have to see what happens tonight! Oh that's another thing the results show tonight clashes with one of my favourite programmes on VuzuTV. Oh dear choices, choices, choices!
Friday, October 5, 2012
THE TOP 18 -- SA's GOT TALENT (Season 3)
A lot of people watch the show SA's Got Talent and after last night, some of us can't remember all the names of the Top 18 contestants. So without further ado, here they are in no particular order:
I will not be putting the link to this post on the SA's Got Talent Facebook page, as this imformation is already there at the moment. But feel free to share this with your friends on social networks. Next week the "live" shows start on Tuesday 9th October at 7:30pm. That means my blog will be coming out a day earlier. So watch this space!
I will not be putting the link to this post on the SA's Got Talent Facebook page, as this imformation is already there at the moment. But feel free to share this with your friends on social networks. Next week the "live" shows start on Tuesday 9th October at 7:30pm. That means my blog will be coming out a day earlier. So watch this space!
ONE STEP CLOSER (The Final Auditions)
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The Happy Boys |
I would like to congratulate the producers of SA's Got Talent for bringing back this show to our TV screens. With all the strikes and violence going on, every week for the past six weeks we have been able to forget the turmoil and enjoy the talented entertainment that South Africa has to offer. And what a line-up of entertainment has been. The three judges had a difficult task ahead of them selecting the Top 18. All of us may not have agreed with the judges choices, and I'm sure some talented contestants were left out. A lot of people are commenting that there should have been a Top 30 and given a few more of those talented acts a chance to make it through to the final. Are the producers pressed for time? Or is the budget not big enough to cover more rounds of the contest? But more about all that later in another blog post. It's on to the selection of final auditions that were showcased before the big announcement. First up was a young lad, Adam Ferguson, who had the judges eating out of his hands, literally. And that was including Kabelo. Boy are we adults a suckers for young kids with talent! With Adam booking a place in the next round, it was the chance of four young ladies (The Fantastic 4) to show off their dancing skills to the three judges. They proved that you don't have to be slim like Beyonce to be able to dance and shake that booty. They danced as one unit with well choreographed moves, which a lot of dance groups these days don't have. Clips of various acts being buzzed out of the competition were next, some were hillarious and some were just downright embarrassing. Thankfully we weren't put through the pain and suffering they must have given to the judges by hearing too much of them. They at least gave us the viewers something to laugh about. It was back to serious business, when Sammy M took to to the stage. At first I thought to myself, "please don't embarass yourself" as he walked on. But he proved that he could sing and stands a good enough chance to make it to the finals. The Krinksy Brothers, three young acobats, were up next. It was case of "Don't try this at home!" as some parts of their act looked very dangerous. There is so much talent amongst our young people of today. Celeste, a singer with a big, strong voice,impressed the judges with her version of "Big Spender" and got a thumbs up through to the next round. A bit of the Cape Town's Coon Carnival was next, when The Happy Boys performed on stage. Singing the old favourites like "Die Alabama" and other well known Afrikaans traditional songs, they had the entire audience singing along! In my opinion they were the best of the night amd was a bit surprised afterwards to see that they were not in the Top 18. I seem to recall that Kabelo said "No" but don't quote me on that. I do remember seeing Shado and Ian singing along though! Next week it's the start of the "live" shows. So later today I'll post a complete list o the top 18 for your scrutiny. In the meantime here's a pic of one of my favourite acts of the season.
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Tiego |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
AND THE WINNER IS...........

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
As the current season of IDOLS SA draws to a close and we wait with baited breath to see who will be the new SA Idol for 2012 later this evening. Let's look at the topic of toothpaste brands, afterall an idol should have the whitest teeth when they smile for the cameras after winning the competition. I was sitting watching TV after the Idols show on Sunday night and an advertisement for a "new" toothpaste called Pepsodent. Do we really need another brand on the market? Most brands do the same thing, make your beath smell nice, but they don't make your teeth any whiter than they already are. And the choices you have, about half a dozen different varieties of Colgate and almost twice as many choices for Aquafresh (does it all in one Mum) toothpaste. And the advertisements for all these brands: "9 out of 10 dentists recommend.........", well I have news for them as my dentist must be the 1 out of 10 as he doesn't recommend any particular brand. Although I do recall his "oral hygenist" tried to sell me an electric toothbrush for R150. I refrained as I believe in manual brushing. And these different brands seem to come in different flavours, fresh and minty is the one I like. I remember when we were kids, my Mom used to buy a toothpaste called Signal (the mouthwash in stripes). I wonder what happened to that one? Advertisements are misleading, like the one with an actor dressd as a dentist tells you why he recommends Sensodyne. Mmmm, didn't the Colgate dentist just do the same 30 minutes ago? He's not even a South African actor, he's American. It's like the othe shampoo advertisement wich is obviously dubbed into English from Russian or a similar language. How can you believe them? For me a toothpaste is a toothpaste........ they all do the same job. Maybe after the new SA Idol is crowned tonight, we can ask him or her which brand of toothpaste they use to have that million dollar smile!
Monday, October 1, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012
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Rashid The Magican in action. |
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012
A little over 2 years, on a suggestion from my niece, I started blogging. It started out as thoughts about subject matter that nobody ever read, that was on the 10th September, 2010. As you progress you discover new ideas and subjects that people want to hear about. One just needs to go to Facebook and browsing through the pages one can get hundreds of ideas from Breast Cancer to Lady Gaga. Here locally there has been a lot of hype around the talent show IdolsSA and judging from all the comments people are suspecting a rigged contest. Are they? I'm going to ask you two simple questions: Where is Tshidi Tenyane and Shekhinah Donnell ? Why aren't they in the Top 3? Let's look at the three contestants left and see if they deserve to be there. Let's first look at the Facebook stats of these two ladies. Tshidi has over 16,000 "likes" whilst Shekhinah only has 7,300 "likes". That's already telling you something cause look at Melissa Allison who only has about 8,000 fans on Facebook, Monde Msutwana has just 5,200 fans and Khaya Mthethwa has..........wait for it......a staggering 67,531 fans! Ok looking at those stats shouldn't Tshidi be in the Top 3? Maybe the voters that voted her off thought she was safe, with so many Facebook "likes"? I really wonder now, where is the real talent? That's enough questions from me, but judging by the amount of growing Facebook fans Khaya will take the crown this year. That is if the 67,500 vote! Maybe people who vote via SMS, don't have the internet. We will have to see after tonight! Readers of this blog can also find me on Twitter: @MrDurbanite, where I Tweet about all sorts of things. Let's see who wins IdolsSA 2012!
Friday, September 21, 2012
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Iziqhaza |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
For the past three weeks we have watched the good, the bad & the terrible audition for season 3 of SA's GOT TALENT and most of us have totally disagreed when acts were either sent home or put through to the next round. But there are three people who must be congratulated for having to sit through thousands of hopefuls and wannabes, some of whom have no talent whatsoever. I would like to take this time to write about the three judges and look a little more closely at whether they are the right persons for the jobs. Let's start with "new" judge Kabelo Mabalane, who replaces Randall Abrahams. I must apologize if I was a bit harsh on my criticism on him a few weeks ago, but lately he has been "spot on" with his "yes". Maybe because he is a new judge, he is still finding his way? Afterall he is a man of many talents, being a musican, a TV presenter and now a judge. Oh let's not forget that Kabelo has also run the Comerades Marathon a few times. Give him time behind the buzzer and I'm sure he will pick out a few winners in the competition. Next up we have esteemed radio personality, Shado Twala. She knows what she is doing as she's been a judge right from the start with Season 1. Between her and Ian they probaly hold the record for sitting through the most auditions for any South African talrnt contest! It was her birthday this past week too. Happy Birthday, for the 10th September, Shado! I just love her bubbly personality and that smile of hers. No wonder she's a popular judge. Probably just as popular as the third judge, Ian von Memerty, an entertainer, musican, dancer, presenter of Strictly Come Dancing, and of course a judge since season 1 too. I don't know if the judges will read this, but could Ian tell us wether there will be another season of Strictly Come Dancing anytime soon? Oh and another thing Ian, you should copyright your trademark saying: "That was FANTASTIC!". Now that we know a little about these three judges and their qualifications to judge............let the show continue.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Episode 3 of SA's Got Talent (Season 3) was broadcast a few hours ago, and again some amazing talent was showcased. It is obvious that not all the acts that made it can be shown as the episode is only 60 minutes long. Perhaps they should consider extending it by half an hour? Just a suggestion as I would like to have heard the complete performance of that young opera singer that got 3 yesses from the judges. But what we saw was very entertaining. Please forgive me if I get the acts names spelt incorrectly but I'll try my best not to. First up were two young men who called themselves Drumkit & Evo and had only been together for one month. Anybody who can produce natural sound effects with their vocal chords is talented to my ears. An act like Beatboxing (if that's what it's called) can be very entertaining depending on the person or persons and this duo certainly did that, getting the judges stamp of approval and had the audience applauding for more. After that we were entertained by a dance group called Warrior Knight who describe themselves as a mixture of traditional and modern (hip hop) and it worked for them. Even though Kabelo gave them a "no" they still got through to the next round with their energetic mix of Zulu and street dancing.
Xandra & Fin, an act consisting of a young female doctor and her pet dacing dog, caused Ian to comment: "You two are FANTASTIC!", with their energetic display. Fin, the dog, really seemed to enjoy performing for the crowds and was wagging his tail continuously, even getting Kabelo to applaud and say "yes" in the end. And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, along comes Jacob, the human car. This was poetry with a difference, and was all about a car (complete with sound effects) that Jacob saw one day on the road. The crowd loved him, so did the judges except Kabelo, and Jacob was through to the next round as well. How does one tell Nicole Smith, an 11 year old girl she cannot sing, without upsetting her? Well to be honest I thought she had a terrible voice, but Shado calmly told her she was not "ready" for this competition and to come back when she's a bit older. I still don't know exactly what the judges thought but that's not the point here. Never tell someone of that age directly to their face exactly what you think unless you want to upset the child in public. I take my hat off to the judges on this occasion, you handled it with dignity. Normally I'm not a fan of Gospel music, but the gospel group New Edition's harmonies were pleasing on the ear and certainly impressed the judges. "Saving the best for last" is an age old saying but they, SA's Got Talent, certainly kept their word in this episode. Remember Cameron Lombard from Season 1, the 8 year old ballroom dancer who made the Grand Finals. Well he's back 5 years later and he's got a new partner, whose name I didn't quite catch. He literally blew the judges away entertaing everybody. Oh how I love to watch Latin ballroom dancing. That was FANTASTIC! I can't wait for episode 3, can you?
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Cameron Lombard in Season 1 |
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
You must have heard people at one time or another say: "Reality sucks!" With all these reality TV shows on at the moment, I suppose we are drawn to the fact that "I can do better" or "She can't sing to save her life!" We are so obsessed with these facts, that we leave our day job to enter, only to find out that we are worse than the contestants we criticised and when we return to work we find someone else has been employed in your place! That was the case in the reality show SA's Got Talent when one guy booked a flight from Durban to Jhburg, then took a taxi for another 500km to the audition, only to arrive 10 minutes before closing time. When he got on stage, he couldn't sing at all! On top of all that he was given the boot by the three judges, and probably took a long taxi ride back home to Durban. Most contestants enter these competitions to win the big prize and the chance to appear on national telelevision. But would you rather engage on some survival mission like Survivor right in the middle of the middle of nowhere by eating bugs for breakfast and having no communication with the outside world? Or perhaps you find running around the world and completing puzzles and difficult challenges in The Amazing Race, your idea of fun? I think it would probably stress me out. But let's get back to the local talent shows, which seem to be
extremely popular because everybody thinks they sing, dance or act! Our SA IDOLS is now down to 4 contestants. Simphewe was the latest contestant to leave after Durban's beloved Shekhina Donell's departure last week. All five contestants were rapped over the knuckles on Sunday night by the judges for making lousy song choices in their first performance of the night as each of them had to sing twice to garnish votes from the public. I suppose singing from the heart also has something to do with it too if one wants to win! At the end of the day you either have it, or you don't. Most of the time contestants have the latter. My question is: Does reality really suck? It depends if you are a contestant/ participants on these reality contests/shows and what type of reality show it is. An example being The Jerry Springer Show. Maybe you don't mind airing your dirty laundry on national television? I have said it before and I'll say it again: Americans are crazy!! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Even though he was disabled, he could dance and do all the moves an able bodied person could do. Truly Inspirational! You can watch his audition on the link above. Then there are some people will go to great lengths to get to the audition. Sandile, originally from Durban, booked a plane ticket to Jhburg, travelled in a taxi to the auditions and arrived 10 minutes before the closing time. After all that he ended up being buzzed off because he couldn't sing. Now that's courage for you. I forgot to mention earlier that I also find tap dancing very entertaining, and before you ask I gave it a try once but kept falling into the bath. Having watched the master of the art, Michael Flattely, dance on DVD many times before; I thought the act T-Square were very good. With precision timing, the two young guys danced together as one. Well done, boys! The last audition we were treated to was a young girl, Bothale, who looked to be about 11 years old, and preformed poetry. I'm not a big fan of poetry, and I'm not sure this act belongs in this competition. Don't get me wrong, she was very good! No wonder the judges liked her. I was just thinking now, what if this contest offered a head-line act at Sun City, would the acts have been judged differently? Would young Bothale have been given 3 yes's? Just a thought!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The IdolsSA contest is hotting up with now the Top 5 contestants left to battle out to be South Africa's next Idol. One of the biggest upsets though this week was when Shekhinah Donnell was voted off the competition. In my opinion she was destined for the Top 3 and should not have gone home today. But as they say if you don't vote, vote, vote for your favourite, they will land up in the bottom three, which this week was the bottom two. But fans of Shekhinah need not fear, as she and Khaya will be appearing at the Moses Mhabida Stadium in Durban on the 9th September, 2012 to celebrate Durban Day. Now that there are only five contestants left, I wonder who will be the next one to get the least votes next week? It is a known fact that if you have made it so far in the competition, you have already made it! If you know what I mean. Have you made your predictions for the Top 3 yet? Well mine has gone haywire, now that Shekhinah has gone home. I'll never make it as a psychic now. LOL It's back to looking at the contestants closely and find someone who can replace her my Top 3 prediction. Somehow I think Tshidi Tenyane has what it takes to make it. In my next Idols blog entry I'll look at the performances of these talented youngsters next Sunday and then we can make some serious predictions. Watch this space!
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Shekhinah Donnell |
The IdolsSA contest is hotting up with now the Top 5 contestants left to battle out to be South Africa's next Idol. One of the biggest upsets though this week was when Shekhinah Donnell was voted off the competition. In my opinion she was destined for the Top 3 and should not have gone home today. But as they say if you don't vote, vote, vote for your favourite, they will land up in the bottom three, which this week was the bottom two. But fans of Shekhinah need not fear, as she and Khaya will be appearing at the Moses Mhabida Stadium in Durban on the 9th September, 2012 to celebrate Durban Day. Now that there are only five contestants left, I wonder who will be the next one to get the least votes next week? It is a known fact that if you have made it so far in the competition, you have already made it! If you know what I mean. Have you made your predictions for the Top 3 yet? Well mine has gone haywire, now that Shekhinah has gone home. I'll never make it as a psychic now. LOL It's back to looking at the contestants closely and find someone who can replace her my Top 3 prediction. Somehow I think Tshidi Tenyane has what it takes to make it. In my next Idols blog entry I'll look at the performances of these talented youngsters next Sunday and then we can make some serious predictions. Watch this space!
With all the hype surrounding the popular singing contest SA Idols on Mnet, another popular contest SA's GOT TALENT was launched by another local channel eTV last week. With an episode filled with singers, dance crews, and Marimba bands it was very entertaining. As the saying goes: "Variety is the spice of life". This contest is different to Idols as the contestants don't have to be under 30 years old, and it's for those who can only dance, or play a musical instrument. I noticed that even Durban's Michael Jackson impersonator,Vincent Jackson, who tried out for SA Idols, had a go auditioning for this contest but unfortunately failed to impress these judges too! The judges themselves seemed to be a fairer bunch than the Idols threesome. Randall Abrahams has opted out of being a judge this season as he has his hands full with being recently appointed MD for Universal Records and continuing as an Idols judge. You may remember that season 2 of "SA's Got Talent" used to be shown on SABC 2 and since it's move to eTV it still seems a popular platform for showcasing local talent. In the first episode, two acts stand out for me. At the beginning of the episode, 3 black guys in colorful outfits and clown make-up (calling themselves Domkop & Clowns) appeared on stage with several marionettes and a guitar, and gave a very entertaining display of local song and dance. I might add they also gave a bit of a display of being contortionists too. But the icing on the cake were the PJ Twins who sang their hearts out to the audience. What voices! Truly magnificent! I have a strange feeling that they will definitely be the ones to beat and with their operatic voices they could just walk away with the prize. As judge Ian Von Memerty said: " That was FANTASTIC!" Can't wait for Episode 2 this Thursday evening at 8:30pm.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
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The Top 10 SA Idols 2012 |
Have you ever watched one of these talent contests where the viewers and the contestants fans have to vote for their favourites via SMS or online? There are a lot of these reality shows on the small screen and people sit glued to their couches as they watch contestants make complete idiots of themselves or can actually sing and become top singers. At the moment on South African TV we have the popular Idols contest where at the moment seven young people are battling it out for the title of "The Next SA Idol", people vote like mad, probably 10 times a day, hoping to save their favourite. Whilst the official SA Idol's Facebook page is filled with comments from armchair judges giving their opinions on who should go and who should stay. Some of these people even judge the judges, cause whilst we don't always agree with what the Idol's judges say, it's the votes from the public that count. I have often wondered myself if by acquiring a large fan base one could actually win the competition with votes and not with talent. It would seem that way with some of the contestants. Just tonight one young man landed up in the infamous "bottom three" of the results show for the third week running. Unfortunately for him, Dominic Neill got the least amount of votes and was sent home. Let's be fair here the past preformances of his have not been great and one wonders after hearing his horrendous version of the Coldplay hit "Utopia" how on earth he made it this far. Contestants who were far better than him were getting voted off. Some of the names that spring to mind are Chloe Kiley, Nosipho Mngomezulu, and Obakeng Ramaboa. So how could Dominic have lasted so long in the competition? Maybe the three ex contestants mentioned above made the wrong song choice? Or did not enough "fans" vote for them? As I said before it is possible to get all your aunties, uncles, cousins and siblings to vote for you because from what I hear one can vote every hour. According to the T&C for Idols every viewer can vote a maximum of 100 times which if you multiply that by 10 family members, that's already 1,000 votes for one contestant. Get the whole neighbourhood behind you and it's a hell of a lot of votes! Methinks that this was the case for Dominic, but then who am I to judge? Well now that he has left, I think the real competition is about to begin. Who is next to go in theTop 6? We will have to see what song choices are made by the remaining 6 very talented contestants!
Friday, July 20, 2012
BREAKING NEWS:.............OR IS IT?
You have probably at some time or other opened you local newspaper to see some shocking revelation about your favourite celebrity. "KATY KITTYKAT HAS AFFAIR WITH TOP DJ" or "LOCAL MALE MODEL IS A CROSSDRESSER BY NIGHT". These are the type of headlines that cause sensation and nine times out of ten the story is untrue and just made up so as to sell newspapers. It's called sensationalism and usually the journalist involved gets a pat on the back and sometimes some sort of promotion as well. And the sad thing about it is that they don't seem to care whose reputation they ruin along the way. I could ruin reputations and name names here as far as a certain local newspaper goes. But my motto is: "Never believe what you read in the papers!" unless of course it comes straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. With that being said let's look at some real news headlines that nearly ruined real people's lives. Recently a local gay socialite was accused of having a "fling" with a local singer/muscian. The socialite cried foul and the singer said he was "straight", but who are we to believe? And where does the reporter get his imformation from if both parties involved have said that it was untrue? Sometimes someone "spills the beans" so to speak if they are jealous of one of the persons, and want to get back at them for some wrong doing. Well if that's the case then I should "spill the beans" on a lot of people if I wanted to, but I'm not that kind of person. Some people make the "front page" for all the wrong reasons too, like our imfamous "Spear" painting. Newspapers need stories that will sell their publications and there's nothing better than a bit of sensational gossip to fill the pages, boost the sales and start the tongues wagging! My advice to all of you out there is: "Never believe what you read in the papers!"
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
You may wonder why this blog has gone all pink and colourful? It's time for a change, a time to stand up and be counted. I have always believed that one of the reasons people especially teenagers are bullied is because they are gay or lesbian. Some people will say that "being gay" is un-Christian and that those people will burn in hell. To that I say: "What utter nonsense! God loves everyone!" I could support my theory by talking about Adam & Eve, which according to scientists never existed because we evolved from apes. A whole lot of other facts are freely available to support this theory, but we are not here to prove anything. Everyone to his own belief!
As lady Gaga sings:
"Don't be a drag, just be a queen
On the 30th June, 2012 a few thousand members of the LBGT community took to the streets in the annual Gay Pride in Durban, South Africa. With support from a few political parties, the Democratic Alliance was the only party to actually take part in the march. It was a colourful event, with the drag queens out in full force wearing shoes that looked impossible to walk the route of the march in. Most participants wore outfits with vibrant colours. And there was a lot of photographers taking photos of just about anything that moved. This year the violent "hate" crimes were highlighted and in the opening speeches all speakers agreed that the goverment must put a stop to this. The DA had taken the initative to organize a pettition and get people's signatures so as to make the government aware that this is not something that can be simply swept under the carpet. For more photos of this colourful event click on the tab above.
As lady Gaga sings:
"Don't be a drag, just be a queen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're Lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied, or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'cause baby you were born this way.Some of the "ladies" signing the pettition |
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
BORN THIS WAY? (The Final Chapter)

Thursday, June 21, 2012
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Grace Jones Preforming at the Queen's recent Diamond Jubilee concert. |
Whew!!! What a week it's been on the social networks, what with fans queueing online to buy tickets to Lady Gaga's upcoming tour to South Africa and causing the site to "crash". Then on the other hand the "happy clappys", as my late father would call these "bible punchers", trying to gather support to ban her tour from our shores. Their reasoning? She's a she-devil! Well some people's mother-in-laws are also called that too. But aren't they forgetting that Lady Gaga has had record sales (excuse the pun) of her CD's and DVD's already? Surely the FPB (Film Publications Board) would have had her music banned a long time ago if she was as evil as these religious "loonies" say she is. Their quest is so newsworthy it hasn't featured on any of the local news channels or appeared in any local newspaper. Back in the 80's we used to listen to another outrageous singer/artiste/performer, the legendary Grace Jones, whose costumes and stage antics were just as bizarre as Lady Gaga's are. Even some of her lyrics were considered erotic at the time. Now at 64 she recently preformed for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a dress that looked like she had borrowed it from Lady Gaga's wardrobe. So why wasn't she banned from South Africa? Her music and Dvd's are freely available. I would go as far as to say that Lady Gaga is the next best thing to Grace Jones, cause soon Ms Grace might decide to retire and then someone would have to take over her fan base. I don't know if some of these people who are trying to protest against Lady Gaga realize that in the 60's, Elvis Presley was also "banned" by Christians and bible punchers for gyrating his hips and singing "devil" music with lyrics like "I'm all shook up" and "And don't you......step on my blue suede shoes". They publicly smashed his records and announced that "rock and roll" was music of the devil! I could go on............but let me leave that for another chapter in my blog. As Lady Gaga would probably say "Have a fun filled fabulous day!"
Monday, June 18, 2012
I am angry, well that's putting it mildly, I'm more than angry. How dare someone tell me what sort of music to listen to, which artists to support? Just because international singing star, Lady Gaga, announced that she was going to perform in South Africa, a few nutcases have decided to try and stop her coming here "in the name of Jesus". Isn't that being a bit blasphemous? How on earth are they going to stop her? This is a serious case of bullying in my eyes, and I will make sure this gets posted on my Ant-Bullying page on Facebook. I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me when I say that fans will not be bullied into not liking Lady Gaga and then telling them she is the devil! That's hate speech, isn't it? Lady Gaga is a humanitarian as far as I know. A staunch supporter of the LBGT movement worldwide, she and her mother started "The Born This Way Foundation" which focuses on youth empowerment and other issues like ant-bullying and mentoring. She also contibutes in the fight against HIV and Aids, by educating young women about the risks of the disease. The sales of Gaga-endorsed Viva Glam lipstick and lipgloss have raised more than $202 million to fight HIV and AIDS. And that being said, surely Lady Gaga is a christian herself; why call her the devil? I think the majority of South Africans will buy their ticket and dance the night away. Maybe because she supports gays and lesbians, these protesters want to stop her fom coming here. Well I have news for them, there are thousands of gays who will be buying tickets, I mean 52 million likes for her Facebook page says something!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Yes, you heard correctly: "They're Back!" Who is back I hear you say? Randall, Unathi and Gareth. The three SA Idols judges are back on our small screens or if you have a widescreen TV -our big screens. This is probably the best part of the competition, because thousands of hopefuls stand in front of these judges and end up making us the viewers, laugh or cry. Depending on how good or bad they are. The really good ones get a golden ticket to Sun City, whilst the really bad ones can compete for the "Wooden Microphone"who are are voted for by the viewer. Like this girl who tried to sing "Bad Romance" and she was not the only one who thought she could sing either. Actually this girl stands the chance winning the Wooden Mic hands down. I feel really sorry for some of the contestants, like the one youngster, Thabiso, who actually had a promising voice. But I think it was his cocky attitude that made the judges all vote a resounding "No!", and made the youngster burst into tears and blame poor Randall for "ruining my life forever". Come on kiddo, don't be such a baby. Think of it this are now famous and will be the talk of Durban in years to come.You won't win the Wooden Mic that's for sure as you were better than the Lady Gaga wannabe. Try again next year! You could be a future SA Idol! LOL
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This was a really "Bad Romance". |
Friday, June 8, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Run For Your Life!
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The Wall of Honour at Botha's Hill. |
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