They say "time flies, when you are having fun", but that is always not the case. Some of us just look forward to the next "payday" because we're broke already and we try to keep ourselves busy just so the weeks go by more quickly. I remember at work there were people whom I called "clock watchers", who just couldn't wait for the boss to give the "okay you can all go home now" nod to staff members. One lady, I'll call her Millie, was always the first to leave the workspace, barge her way into the ladies locker room get her handbag and then virtually run out of the building to her waiting lift which was usually the daughter or husband. Thank goodness I don't have to contend with all that nonsense anymore, being retired was the best stress free decision I ever made. The only downside to it is we pensioners need an increase, and cannot survive on the amount we get every month. So unless we pensioners end up protesting outside Post Offices, I'm a post office pensioner, I suppose we will never get a pension that we can survive on. I can just imagine pensioners with walking aids, and wheel chairs "toy-toying" waving placards and the riot police cordoning off the building in case some old geezer accidentally sets fire to the place. But I'm straying away from the subject a bit, now that the weekend is upon us. I'm trying to keep myself occupied by going to the gym three times a week, so today being Friday it's my last session this morning. A lady once confided in her best friend that she "was doing gym, three times a week". Her husband somehow got to to hear about it and immediately filed for divorce. Shame! I once had a classmate called Jim. I doubt it was him because he's gay! LOL! Well my weekend will probably be busy too, what with a DA Info table at Windermere Centre tomorrow morning and then watching the rugby match where South Africa take on England on the TV in the afternoon, "Time flies when you're having fun!".
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