With less than 15 hours to go before the voting lines on
IdolsSA close, it's no longer a battle between
Khaya Mthethwa and
Melissa Allison but a fight for votes between #TeamKhaya and #TeamMelissa. With both camps campaigning on social networks, it's obvious who I would vote for. Here are some updated statistics: Khaya has 75,511 fans on Facebook and 48,774 followers on Twitter. Melissa has 10,321 fans on Facebook and 9,028 followers on Twitter. Now if each of these so-called fans/followers voted 100 times to me it's obvious who the winner should be, but then I may be wrong. Khaya has been very consistent right up til the end, Melissa on the other hand had a few bad reviews from the judges. Okay so the secret is out, I'm supporting our homeboy......Khaya Mthetwa. At least he didn't say that one of the reasons he wants to win is because he'll get a car. Maybe I heard wrong when Melissa said that. The bottom line to all of this is, that whoever doesn't win will probably still be a popular artiste. Look at past seasons of IdolsSA, non-winners who are making a name out there for themselves are Sindi Nene, Lloyd Cele, Melanie Lowe and the list goes on. And dear readers, please don't throw a tantrum and get full of hate when your favourite loses and then be full of hate for the winner. We don't need that sort of behaviour here in South Africa. It's now all up to you at home.........vote, vote, vote! You have less than 15 hours left! And please note the date at top is American........You have till tonight (Monday, 1st Oct) 10pm to finish voting. May the best contestant win!
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