This is an open statement to all those people out there who have suddenly decided to "play" God by judging others just because they don't conform to their morals. The other day a lady and I were mentioning a friend in our conversation, and who should walk into the room but the friend. "Speak of the devil!" I said to the lady I was speaking with. Now does this mean the friend is evil? I'm sure a lot of you have heard the expression: "Better the devil you know, than you don't" or something along those lines. My point is that the word "devil" according to the dictionary has 10 different definitions. There is the so-called ruler of hell, which no one has said does or does not exist. No living person has been there yet unless you watch TV series like "Supernatural" with images of fire and brimstone. One of the other definitions says "An energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever person" which by the way is what Lady Gaga is. She is a performer and an excellent one at that. It's called art. People want to see a show that has dramatic stage entrances, outrageous costumes and not some conservative looking lady standing in front of a microphone, some forgettable song. Cliff Richard, a practicing Christian, always sings "Devil Woman" at his preformances whilst gyrating his hips and dancing with his scantily clad female dancers gyrating behind him. Does that make him the devil's child? Or is he a satanist in disguise? I think not. I would like to put this whole matter to rest and make a few final satements. We were not all made the same, as everyone has different opinions, different ideals. If we were all the same and liked the same things, this world would be a very boring place to live in. As for saying that South Africa belongs to Jesus, what load of hogwash? Jesus came from Jeruselam. Nowhere in the bible does it state that he travelled to South Africa. He would have been attacked by tribes on the way. As for trying to stop Lady Gaga from coming to South Africa with Jesus, may I remind you by your rantings that Jesus loves everybody and he does not discriminate! And with that said I hope we can all carry on with our normal lives, I think I'll play my Lady Gaga CD.
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