Monday, October 31, 2016


After the last post, and discussions with a few friends, I have decided for the time being just to be who I am and not to be who others want me to be. Why should I waste time and energy worrying what other people think of my femininity? I don't plan going anywhere or changing for those people. I am gay and I'm here to stay, so get over it. One of the first things I need to do is alter my dress code to something more unisex, as the trousers I wear don't fit my personae. I think it's the cut of the trousers, but first I have to lose a few kilos here and there before I embark on that journey. Nothing is impossible! My diet should probably change too as I suffer from gout and with my colon cancer the surgeon recently removed 75% of my colon. I'm still functioning as a normal human being, I need to get my health in order too.
My feet are a bit of mess too, all to to do with the effects of gout. My hair has always been long, but when I do drag I prefer using wigs. I always say "blondes have more fun", hehe. Below I attempted to wash a synthetic wig and for a first try it turned out fine.

One of my friends who is a hairdresser, is going to make me a new wig. Can't wait for that to happen. With me still going for my regular manicures and pedicures, I feel liberated. It is hard to believe that I have been going for manicures for over 12 years! Hopefully for 2017 I can look forward to new challenges. I really need to practice make-up. As they say practice makes perfect. Getting the right cosmetics is another ball game, luckily I know a few people who can give advice. Fortunately Youtube is overflowing with make-up tutorials for every occasion. I'll leave you with a latest picture of my nails....

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