Is this real or a man in a monkey costume? You decide! |
How many of you have watched the TV series "Finding Bigfoot" on the Discovery ID channel? To me it seems very far fetched, and personally the people who claim to have actually seen these creatures must have wild imaginations or they were hallucinating at the time. It is very strange how the same eye witnesses didn't take a photo of it with their smart phone to actually prove they saw what they saw. Their excuse would probably be that the battery was flat. Let's not forget about the presenters of this show either. In the dark of the night they are shown using night lights to see where they are going, and making the "call" of the "bigfoot". How do they know the sound that they made is actually that of a "bigfoot"? They haven't seen one as yet. And the sound of their two-way radio communication and all the visibility of their night vision lights and so forth is enough to scare any animal away. In a loud whisper the one guy say to his buddy: "Did you hear that? It came from that direction." And he points vaguely into the distance. Of course the viewer heard nothing. Then there was the time when the guy tripped and fell just when "bigfoot" appeared in front of them. And in a loud whisper over the radio, he said "Damn, I nearly saw it with my own eyes!" Come now you seriously expect me to believe all this? The whole series is clearly scripted, and I don't believe these presenters are experts in their field when they've never seen "Bigfoot"? The "eyewitnesses" seem to know more about the animal than the experts do! Mankind has always been interested in these type of "sightings" whether it be animal or even UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) which sometimes you cannot dispute as you've never encountered them before. You may believe they exist or you can just take it as an interesting fact. Take the "Lochness Monster" for example. Is it real or is it just myth? For centuries man has tried to uncover the mystery surround the creature that supposedly lives in Lake Loch in Scotland. Countless movies, stories and "fake" photos have emerged about sightings. In the Himalayas there were reports of an ape-like creature which was called the Yeti that was sighted trudging around in the snow. But which disappeared when humans tried to track it down. Sound familiar to you? The yeti was also known as "the abominable snowman" and probably spawned all these theories and myths about "Bigfoot" in the USA, as comparing the two the descriptions are very similar. So whether you believe in "Bigfoot" or not, one must admit it makes very interesting viewing for television.
The Yeti or Abonimable Snowman. |