Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
1918 - 2013 |
Before I pay my respects to one of the greatest icons, Nelson Mandela, many people are wondering why rhe blog title "The Show Must Go On". Dear readers and fellow bloggers since the 6th December 2013, South Africa has appeared to come to a standstill after President Zuma announced a 10 day mourning period for the passing of Nelson Mandela. When I say a standstill I mean issues like the releasing of the Nkandla Report have all been delayed during this period. Is this a trick so that the goverment hope that opposition parties will forget about these scandals? And the SABC is also going to lose revenue as they churn out programme after programe for days on end honouring Mandela, until they start repeating the repeats. By now people are wanting their channels back to normal. Why didn't the SABC do as DSTV is doing and create a special channel to show all the "Madiba" programmes? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Nelson Mandela fan and was sad to hear that he had passed on, but the man was 95 years old and some of us may never reach that age. I'm sure that Madiba would have preferred a simple funeral service, over a couple of days and not 10 days as the ANC have done. In the words of the rock group, Queen.......who by the way did a lot for Mandela's various charities, he would have said "The show must go on........"
Today South Africa will once again come to a standstill at 11am (SA time) as visiting heads of state, celebreties and other dignitaries converge on the FNB stadium in Soweto to attend a memorial service in honour of this great man. His funeral service will only take place on Sunday (15th December, 2013) in his hometown of Qunu in the Eastern Cape. Sadly by then Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela's long walk to freedom will finally have come to an end. #RIPMadiba