The official logo of The SouthAfrican Anti-Bullying Forum. |
In the news lately, it has been reported that many people especially children have been the victims of bullying. Some have been traumatised for life, some go as far as emding their lives. The latest victim was apperently "alledgedly raped" by his team mates on a school rugby tour. The boy was so traumatised by the incident, his parents transferred him to another school. According to the school principle, the "alledged rape" was just a schoolboy "prank" and the boys involved had been suitably punished. They should have been expelled, and then charged with rape because "rape is rape", it can never be a prank.It was this news report that got me thinking as to whether here in South Africa we have a place for people who are anti-bullying or have been victims themselves. I did a quick search and found that there are not many such forums at all, hence "The South African Anti Bullying Forum" was founded on Facebook. If you or anyone you know would like to join in discussions or read various articles on the matter, please go to
http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-South-African-Anti-Bullying-Forum/410668332289768 or E-mail us at:
saantibullyingforum@worldonline.co.za . You can also find us on Twitter @SA_AntiBullying .
We need to stamp out this curse! Stand up! Speak out!