Friday, December 24, 2010


This post is merely to wish all my readers a Happy Xmas! I trust you will have a peaceful day and will not be alone........... Xmas is a time to spend with loved ones, and whether or not you believe in xmas it is still that time to give and to recieve. One can visit the elderly and take them a home cooked meal or merely spend a few moments thinking of those less fortunate than one's self. Either way don't just think of yourself this Xmas, there are other people in this world too. So those who do happen upon this blog.....a very Merry Xmas to you and your family and friends!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Twitter is for the birds!

Yes! You heard right.........I can't see the point of sending out 'tweets' to god knows who. And you are restricted on how long the 'tweet' can be, which is only about 3 lines.........I prefer a blog because at least you can write something of a reasonable length. Anway back to Twitter......I decided to deactivate my Twitter account for the above reasons. I was getting strange people following my 'tweets' which was another reason I deactivated the guy after I blocked him, tried to "follow" by using other accounts. Just because you have the same surname as me, doesn't mean that I know you. I think it's the same guy that tried to connect with me on Facebook and in the process "stole" one of my family photos for his website. He didn't even have the courtesy to ask me! So what is Twitter really all about? The Ellen Show says "follow us on Twitter"............follow what exactly? Highlights of the next show? What Ellen is having for dinner? You only have 140 characters you can use, by the time you reach the point of your 'tweet' you've run out of characters. It has been said before that you "shouldn't knock it, until you've tried it", well I've tried it and really it seems rather a pointless excercise to me. I borrowed the cartoon from a website as it shows my argument........."Does anybody read my Tweets?"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today the 1st December, 2010 is World Aids Day, a day where people show their awareness for HIV/Aids by wearing a red ribbon. A lot of people have the notion......"I don't have AIDS, so it's not my problem!". Oh dear! How ignorant some people are. What about your best friend who got raped and contracted Aids? Is it still not your problem? Put yourself in his or her place, would you want to be isolated because you have the disease? No, I didn't think so.
Get yourself tested today, there are a lot of clinics that now do testing for HIV. It takes a matter of minutes to know your status. I'm writing this on the 1st December, so for those of you who are 10hours behind me don't forget to wear your red ribbon tomorrow. Encorourage your friends to use condoms when you engage in sex! Don't believe those who say you can't eat a sweet with the wrapper still on, believe me they are lying! LOL! Use a condom! Well I'm off to the mall, I have my red shirt and my Aids Ribbon all ready. Be Safe!